4 replies on “Karine Polwart – ‘Better Things’ (Glasgow, Celtic Connections 2012)”

  1. Yes, the link was sent to Karine and she commented positively – she
    circulated the link on her Facebook page. I love live music, and always
    encourage others to go to see live music (and buy CDs) to support the
    artist. If any artist ever asks me to remove a post I will do so willingly,
    but this has never happened.

  2. I’ve only just been told today about Karine and am using Youtube to listen
    to some songs that is increasingly making me want to go see her live and
    purchase an album. For me, that’s what Youtube is good for – used well it
    supports live music – and no I don’t work for them.

  3. Did you receive permission to post this? No,didn’t think so. You’ve just
    contributed to killing live music

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